Sunday Worship @ Knox is at 10:30 am and usually concludes around 11:30 am.
If you arrive early on Sunday mornings you may hear the choir rehearsing. In winter, our church officer will already have started clearing the snow from the walkways, preparing to welcome you.
When you enter you will be greeted by one of the elders, and offered a bulletin. If you are new, you are invited to sign the guest book in the narthex. You may sit in any of the pews, and if you would like help in choosing just ask the ushers. If you have trouble hearing, the ushers can provide hearing equipment that works with the Knox sound system.
Children are welcome to come with you. The minister will invite them to go to the front for a few minutes with him and then to attend Sunday School. Some are shy and would prefer to return to their parents - we understand, and that's okay.
At the end of the service, everyone is invited to gather in Geneva Hall, to the right of the sanctuary, to meet other worshippers and share coffee or tea (or cool drinks in the summer). We hope you will join us and feel at home in our commnunity.
For more details on what to expect at Knox on a Sunday morning, or questions you might have about Sunday Worship, chcck HERE
The Office Administrator is in the office:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
9 AM - 4 PM
Street Parking Free on Sundays
City Hall Parkade max $2 evenings and weekends, including Sundays