Knox has a number of opportunities for scholarships and bursaries:
Indigenous Scholarship in Medicine at UOttawa: In 2022, Knox initiated a scholarship in support of Indigenous students at the University of Ottawa in partnership with other churches from the Presbytery of Ottawa. A $2000 scholarship is awarded annually to qualifying students enrolled in the Medical Faculty. See the links below for application requirements or how to make a donation in order to help us toward making this an endowed scholarship.
To Apply: Dr. Peter Bryce Indigenous Scholarship in Medicine (Application)
To Donate: Dr. Peter Bryce Indigenous Scholarship in Medicine (donation)
Lilian Forsyth Scholarship for Church Music: The purpose of this scholarship is to foster excellence in the music of Christian worship. Lilian Forsyth (1911-1982) was a former Organist and Music Director at Knox and this scholarship is aimed at persons pursuing a career in church music or actively involved in music directly related to the worship of the Christian community. This will include organists, choir directors, composers, and other musicians. It is preferable that such candidates should have completed their basic musical training. References must be submitted in all cases.
To Apply: Lilian Forsyth Scholarship for Church Music
Student Internships: In 2018, Knox began a student internship program where university and college undergrads engage with church ministry in exchange for modest bursuries of $750 per semester. Students can choose to serve in at least one of the following ministry areas: children’s ministry, social justice, social media, tech support, adult education, worship, young adult ministry, or administrative support. For more information see the link below
To apply: Student Internship Application
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Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
9 AM - 4 PM
Street Parking Free on Sundays
City Hall Parkade max $2 evenings and weekends, including Sundays