It’s a sad truth, but the fact that Knox Church the building remains closed for services as a result of the pandemic means we continue to miss the friendships and enjoyment we have grown to take for granted on Sundays and beyond. With that in mind, we decided to prepare a few bios of congregation members…so we don’t forget each other. Sometimes you also see people each week but really don’t know anything about them. So, it’s now time to get to know, Aidan Elliot
Whether it’s a pro sports team or a church like Knox Presbyterian, both require the skills, commitment and abilities of veterans and youth if they are to grow and succeed.
Aidan Elliot falls into the ‘younger’ category at Knox. He’s been attending for about three years, since he moved here to study at the University of Ottawa. He was drawn to Knox through his friendship with Kyle Chalupka who is well known as one of this church’s interns and occasional musicians.
The friends met a number of years ago at Camp Adullam, located near Chatham, ON. Adullam Camp Ministries is a Christian community focused on developing Christian leaders in a safe and friendly outdoor environment.
Aidan is spending some time at his parents’ place in Kitchener – the city and the house in which he grew up. He’s toiling away at his university courses online which presents plenty of challenges, but at least keeps him busy. “I can say one thing, doing university courses this way is an exercise in self-motivation, for sure. But then it makes taking a day off all the more enjoyable.”
Aidan says he misses a lot of things as the result of the pandemic…not the least of which are some of the simplest aspects of university life.
“Just walking to class, and being in a room with the other students. I miss the weekly routine of our on-campus groups…and I miss volunteering with people.”
When he’s at his shared home in Ottawa, Aidan says he often spends time watching movies with his room mates, “or going out on the balcony or talking a walk - at least it keeps me semi-active!”
Aidan is also learning guitar - online. He’s already fairly comfortable around the piano having played for 10 years.
Of course, he’s busy with school, but beyond that, Aidan is able to find some time for reading – for pleasure – which is tough to do when you’re working on a double major in political science and history…plenty of required reading and essays in those courses. It’s early to decide on the future but Aidan says he’s seriously looking at pursuing a Master’s degree in history, likely at an Ontario university.
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In today’s world, it’s not always easy to attract young people to an older, downtown church. But that’s not a problem for Aidan who likes the set up at Knox and says that when some young people come out, more follow: “it’s a bit of snowball effect,” he says.
Knox is lucky to have a number of young people who attend regularly and contribute where their skills and time allow. And when the church is open, Aidan is one of the students there to help out at Sunday school, with the ’very young people.’
“For me, Knox has an interesting atmosphere; it makes me consider things, ideas and concepts I may not otherwise have thought about.”
That kind of thinking is probably what any church should try to instil in its congregation.
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