Joan Coulter
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Sunday School materials for July -- The Sunday School teachers have enjoyed sharing virtual Sunday morning gatherings with families over the past months, in order to keep connected and support the children’s faith journey.  We are not able to provide weekly virtual sessions throughout the summer, but will continue to provide weekly curriculum materials in order that you can use them as a family. Attached are materials for the four Sundays in July. 

Virtual gathering for children, youth and families on July 26 at 7:00 p.m -- We will meet virtually using Zoom on the evening of July 26 to see one another, catch up on what everyone has been doing, play some games together, have a Bible-based activity, and finish with prayer. If you are interested in joining us, please email for more information.

With many prayers and wishes for rest and relaxation for everyone over the coming month,

Joan, Grace, Kyle, Aidan and Molly