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Standing in solidarity with those who are marginalized -- The theme this week is particularly relevant given recent events in our country and around the world, and the call to action for all of us to work together to eliminate racism and marginalization. 

We will focus on Matthew 10: 24-39, in which Jesus teaches the disciples about what it means to be his follower. Jesus tells them and us that it will not always be easy to follow his teachings; he explains that some people may exclude or marginalize us or others because of who we are or what we believe. However, he assures us that we do not need to be afraid as God is always watching over us. Jesus challenges us to share his teachings with all whom we meet, to not be silent but to “proclaim from the housetops.”

We hope that your family will be able to join us on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Please bring a few pieces of paper of any colour, scissors, glue and crayons or markersWe will have one more virtual gathering on June 28 at 10:00. We are also considering holding a session on a Sunday evening in July.

If you know other children or families who would like to participate in our Sunday School gatherings, please encourage them to contact us at Parents are welcome to join in the fun at Sunday School!

With many prayers for all in our troubled world,

  Joan, Grace, Kyle, Molly & Aidan