Pentecost, the coming of the Spirit -- Dear Knox Families,
Last week the Sunday School group talked about prayer and how Jesus prayed alone and with his disciples. This was a reminder for us to also pray for others.
This week we will be focusing on the story of Pentecost found in the book of Acts in the New Testament. This is another foundational story of the Christian faith. Pentecost was originally an ancient Jewish celebration. It was a harvest festival which came 50 days after Passover. Christians today celebrate it 50 days after Easter. Pentecost is sometimes called “the birthday of the church”.
Pentecost can also be seen as a reversal of the Tower of Babel where people were divided by language differences and their inability to understand each other (Genesis 11:1–9). How do we interpret the details of this vibrant account of the Spirit’s coming? For any new experience, words elude us. How can we describe something that is new and unexpected, yet totally real and life-changing? For those who were present, the coming of the Spirit was as powerful and overwhelming as a strong wind, as purifying and all-encompassing as tongues of fire. The effects were far-reaching, bringing understanding and astonishment, reaching across barriers of culture, gender, and social standing. A strong theme emerging through these readings is the uniting and life-giving work of the Spirit of God in the diversity and variety of creation. What does this say to us about living with difference?
Our Zoom gathering will begin at 10 a.m. on Sunday
**NOTE: Zoom is transitioning to version 5.0 on May 30. If you have not already installed the new version you will be asked to download the free upgrade when signing into our gathering on Sunday.
If you have it available, please bring a balloon, yellow, red and orange construction paper or cloth or white paper and colored crayons, markers or pencil crayons as well as scissors, tape and anything stick like (ruler, skewer, pencil, Popsicle stick). Do not feel you need to buy any of this...just if you have it in the house.
The connection details are below. If you know other children or families who would like to participate in our Sunday School gatherings, please encourage them to contact us at or to consult the Knox website Family ministries page at Parents are welcome to join in the fun at Sunday School!
In the Spirit,
Joan, Grace, Kyle, Molly & Aidan