Knox has returned to online-only worship, following recently announced new directives from the Premier of Ontario due to increased positive tests for COVID19 in our city, reverting Ottawa to modified phase 2 gathering restrictions. While the directives for Ottawa do not specifically affect places of worship, the advice of medical officers across the province is to refrain from unnecessary travel and gatherings.
With the above in mind, the Elders of Session have decided to end in-person worship again until it is deemed safe to do so again.
We will, of course, continue with an online worship service available live at 11 AM on Facebook and archived to our website later Sunday afternoon.
If you know of people who don't receive Knox emails and might normally attend on Sundays, please do take a moment to inform them of this decision. This notice is also being posted on the Knox Church website as well as our congregation's Facebook page. Plus, printed notices will be placed on the church doors tomorrow.
Some will be disappointed by this decision, though we're hopeful everyone can appreciate we are doing this out of concern and safety for ourselves and all those in our circles of influence. With the dramatic increase of positive test results for COVID19 in our community, it's becomes more difficult to manage risk prevention practices or even know whether we are in proximity to someone who is even unwittingly infected.
So, please join us online each week at 11 (or briefly before) for the Sunday Worship live-stream, or watch the archived service later in the afternoon.
The Office Administrator is in the office:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
9 AM - 4 PM
Street Parking Free on Sundays
City Hall Parkade max $2 evenings and weekends, including Sundays