The pandemic reminded us all of the importance of the health and safety concerns of our community. This document outlines Knox recommendations for Sunday Worship in order to keep yourself and others safe and healthy.
- To protect other members of the congregation, we ask that anyone who is feeling ill, or showing symptoms of a cold, cough, or flu, to please stay home and join us on-line. For those unable to attend the service, Sunday worship is livestreamed and can be found on the home page of our website or by clicking HERE. Services are also archived on our YouTube Channel (Knox Ottawa).
- Face Masks: As we head into cold and flu season, for those who would like to wear a mask, but do not have one, one will be made available.
- Hand Sanitizer: Hand sanitizer is availble for use upon entry and exit from the sanctuary.
- Distancing: Please avoid overcrowding in the hallways and aisles, especially when entering and exiting the sanctuary. We encourage everyone to find seating where they feel comfortable, but also with care and concern for the comfort of others, by not sitting too close in proximity.
- Restrooms: Two restrooms are available. Down the North Narthex Stairs across from the Nursery and in Geneva Hall. Please follow all sanitation procedures as noted in Restrooms.
- Child Care: Currently, our downstairs nursery is not staffed. However, there are spaces available in our cloak rooms for parents to be with children, and single-use craft-bags are also available for children to bring into the sanctuary.
- Sunday School: Leaders are doing everything possible to keep the Sunday School both participatory and safe for all children. Sunday School children and youth are dismissed during the early part of worship (usually after 15-20 minutes).
- Coffee Hour: During Coffee Hour, we ask that those attending respect the personal spaces and boundaries of others.
- Offerings: A donation plate is available upon entering the sanctruary. During the offertory, an usher will proceed down the ceter aisle to accept offerings during the sevice. Online giving options continue to be available.
OTHER PRECAUTIONS WE ARE TAKING: Knox has been working diligently to help create a Sunday Worship environment where we can meet safely. In addition to the above-mentioned guidelines for worship, we also want you to know about the following practices:
- Sanitizing: Extra measures are being taken each week to ensure all areas in the sanctuary are thoroughly cleaned.
- Staff/Volunteers Screening: For everyone’s well being, Knox Staff and leadership are also asked to remain at home if exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms.