This Sunday we welcome Rev. Blair Bertrand as our Guest Minister, preaching "Communion in Place" focusing on the challenge of faith communities to be God's presence in the places we are called.
Blair is an ordained minister with the Presbyterian Church in Canada, presently living in Ottawa, while working remotely for the denomination in his position as a missionary/teacher in Malawi.
Sunday's Readings are from Psalm 80, Isaiah 5:1-7, and Matthew 21:33-46.
Liturgy for October 4, 2020
Sunday Morning @ 11 a.m.
Prelude: Récit de cromorne et Plein Jeu (F. Couperin)
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer, concluded with “The Lord’s Prayer”
Hymn: #497 “Word of God, across the ages”
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 80
Children’s Time
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7
New Testament Reading: Matthew 21:33-46
Message: “Communion in Place”
Hymn: #400:1,2 “Spirit of the living God”
Consideration of Offerings
Offertory: Alleluia! Praise the Lord (H. Hopson)
Prayers of God’s People
Hymn: #479:1,2,5 “The church’s one foundation”
Postlude: Postlude in C (H. Purcell)